Live in apartment? For me, maybe have to rethink again: although now still live in rented home, live in rumah susun (inexpensive and humble apartment) far from the dream of agrarian-minded people like me. The dream about comfortable home-even the house mustn't so big-is have vast yard, wide enough to plant favourite fruits tree; like durian, mangosteen, rose apple (jambu bol, I'm wondering why this fruit look like rare, I cant find on the market, its tree rare too-whereas several decades ago I can find that tree on street side, house yard, etc, with its special feature, ground under its tree coloured red-magenta colour, from its falling pollen), also herb plant like morinda, ginger, quinine (if I could find its seedling, maybe from agriculture department), papaya, banana…And that plants list definitely increase, cause this country rich of plant species, I think thousand or maybe million of it. Factor that limiting number and kind of those species certainly wide of that yard, although I can solve part of it with vertical agriculture, with shelf, etc, but there's absolute boundary. Right now, on this rented house, that agrarian nature emerge too-even I sometimes hold it enough, cause I worry that those tree abandoned or even chopped by new dweller).
Back to topic, how that agrarian dream if facing city reality, when citizen literally crowd one another, until overflow to neighbours area, suburban, that causing new excess namely that commuter people loaded big cities with their vehicles, of course with its pollution and traffic jam? The few alternatives is rusun alias rumah susun or cheap apartment. We can see experience of developed countries; people's habit to live in vertical house is very natural. People tend to live in apartment, which almost always located in down town. Their reason, practical, near from workplace, school, and another town-modern facility, economical on transportation, security guaranteed, cause usually apartment have security guards. So, when on early February President Yudhoyono and Vice Jusuf Kalla embarking the building of 1000 cheap apartment at big cities in Indonesia, with cost estimated billion rupiah, there's several notes we can write; that citizen's state of mind must be changed, feels enough on limited space but much environmental friendly, save energy, we also need decent public transportation, bike community that campaigned bike to work is good idea to apply more extensive, or we can see on American movie-people just walk to workplace. Big cities incentive Indonesia will decreasing its pollution level that recently get worse, street not jam anymore, and life would become much beautiful…he heBut its maybe far away on the sky, we need gradual step-or maybe revolutionary one? -We need step by step, or maybe several generation, and also this government program usually not thrive for a long time, hope its can be realized perfectly and the building decent to live in-not corrupted by corrupt bureaucrat-security facilities, safety, fire protection, earthquake, etc, must be think out seriously. And, the rest is campaign to live at rumah susun, its tips and trick, method to live at limited place pleasantly, agrarian minded realization, he he, etc.
So, whats about you?